Yarra Valley Water (YVW) has news for the land development industry in relation to an Eduction Review, Redeye Cad Drawings and the move to GDA 2020.

Yarra Valley Water Eduction Review

YVW is undertaking an eduction review along similar lines to Greater Western Water due to the following:

  • significant time taken in discussing feasibility of eduction sites
  • eduction is taking longer than anticipated
  • issues in forecasting risk profiles
  • eduction occurring near occupied houses which can result in customer complaints.

Redeye CAD drawings 

YVW has recognised issues in relation to CAD drawing requirements for development works and are currently working through with the Redeye administrators to address them accordingly. ALDE will be providing feedback on the drawing standards for YVW.

If you would like to contribute to the ALDE response, please get in touch with our executive officer, Karen Leoncelli.

Yarra Valley Water GDA2020 update: 

Yarra Valley Water has moved its spatial GIS data from GDA94 to GDA2020. While consultants can still submit as-constructed data in GDA94, they prefer for all data to be supplied in GDA2020 from now on.

A combined communication from all Melbourne water retailers will be provided to the land development industry shortly and will allow consultants time to shift in work practices from GDA94 to GDA2020.